Sex Therapy
Sex Therapy is a session for you to discuss with your therapist any topics that you feel are of concern for you in relation to your sex life. Our sex lives have physical, mental, emotional and educational components, amongst others. Here at Gay Health Australia our sessions are based on Sensate Focus, where we concentrate mainly on the physical components in a hands-on methodology. We approach topics from a holistic standpoint, using anatomy, biology, sex education, herbal medicine, and an understanding of male sexuality informed by our Tantra training.
Topics may include such subjects as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, post prostatectomy problems, difficulty bottoming, learning how to douche, and any other subject that you feel you would like to address. Your therapist will work with you to discover the best way to move forward and create a positive change.
Treatment does not just take place in your sessions, you will also receive exercises or activities that your therapist will ask you to undertake in your own time between sessions. During your sessions you will not only discuss your concerns, you will also receive hands-on instruction, creating a better understanding of your own body and others.
Gay Health Australia is a "safe space" and your boundaries are always respected.
Jei Li'Rann is the only therapist offering Sex Therapy in Carlton North.
Your very first session is an Initial Session and will go for 90 mins.
The first part of your session involves meeting your therapist, getting comfortable, establishing a safe space, and discussing your concerns.
From there your therapist will invite you onto the massage table where physical instruction and exploration of your concern can take place.
By the end of your session your therapist will have devised a plan with you in order to work toward a positive change.
Your therapist will email you a breakdown of your session, what was discussed, and your self-guided activities to do between sessions.
Follow Up
After your Initial Session, your Follow Up Sessions go for 60 mins.
The first part of your session involves reacquainting with your therapist, and discussing how your self-guided activities are progressing.
You will be able to receive further instructions, or further clarification or refinement of self-guided activities.
From there your therapist will invite you onto the massage table for further physical instruction and exploration of your concern.
You will be able to show your therapist your progress, and be able to have your therapist continue with hands-on techniques.
After your session your therapist will email you a breakdown of your session, what was discussed, and your self-guided activities to do between sessions.